Botany Notes

The search for Genetic material started during the mid-nineteenth century. The principle of inheritance was discovered by Mendel. Based on his investigation, Mendel concluded that some ‘factors’ are transferred from one generation to another. Mendel’s Law of Inheritance was the basis for the researchers on genetic material. Keeping his conclusions in mind, scientists who came after him, focused on chromosomes in search of genetic material. Even though the chromosomal components were identified, the material which is responsible for inheritance remained unanswered. It took a long time for the acceptance of DNA as the genetic transformation. Let’s go through a brief account of the discovery of genetic material and Griffith experiment.

DNA As Genetic Material - Hershey And Chase Experiment

Even though researchers discovered that the factor responsible for the inheritance of traits comes from within the organisms; they failed to identify the hereditary material. The chromosomal components were isolated but the material which is responsible for inheritance remained unanswered. Griffith’s experiment was a stepping stone for the discovery of genetic material. It took a long time for the acceptance of DNA as genetic material. Let’s go through the discovery of DNA as genetic material.

Experiments of Hershey and Chase

We know about Griffith’s experiment and experiments that followed to discover the hereditary material in organisms. Based on Griffith’s experiment, Avery and his team isolated DNA and proved DNA to be the genetic material. But it was not accepted by all until Hershey and Chase published their experimental results.

In 1952, Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase took an effort to find the genetic material in organisms.  Their experiments led to an unequivocal proof to DNA as genetic material. Bacteriophages (viruses that affect bacteria) were the key element for Hershey and Chase experiment.

The virus doesn’t have their own mechanism of reproduction but they depend on a host for the same. Once they attach to the host cell, their genetic material is transferred to the host. Here in case of bacteriophages, bacteria are their host. The infected bacteria are manipulated by the bacteriophages such that bacterial cells start to replicate the viral genetic material. Hershey and Chase conducted an experiment to discover whether it was protein or DNA that acted as the genetic material that entered the bacteria.


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