Chemistry Notes

 Acetic Acid Reactions

1-Acetic acid undergoes nearly all carboxylic acid reactions.Acetic acid undergoes decomposition when heated above 440°C to yield either methane and carbon dioxide or water and ethanone, given by the equations.CH₃COOH + Heat → CO2 + CH4CH₃COOH + Heat → H2C=C=O +H2O

2-When exposed to acetic acid, some metals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc undergo corrosion. This reaction leads to the formation of acetate salts. When magnesium reacts with acetic acid, it gives magnesium acetate and hydrogen given in the equation.2CH₃COOH + Mg → Mg(CH₃COO)2 (magnesium acetate) + H2            2Ca + 2CH₃COOH—---->  (CH₃COO)₂Ca (calcium acetate) +H₂ 


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