Pakistan Studies MCQs

 . Sindh was conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim in: 

 711 • 712  713 

2. Muslim League was founded in: 

 1911  1905 • 1906

3. Resolution of Lahore was presented in: 

 1946 • 1940  1930 

4. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in the year: 

• 1913  1911  1906 

5. Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in: 

 1928 • 1929  1930 

6. Quit India movement started in: 

 1930  1936 • 1942

7. The name of Pakistan was coined by: 

 Quaid-e-Azam  Allama Iqbal • Chaudhry Rahmat Ali

8. Chaudhry Rahmat Ali suggested word “Pakistan” in his pamphlet: 

 Qutlook  Comrade • Now or Never

9. Allama Iqbal was born in: 

• Sialkot  Lahore  Islamabad 

10.The National Anthem was broad casted first on Radio Pakistan on: 

 July 3, 1950 • August 13, 1947  September 7, 1949 

11.Urdu Hindi dispute started in: 

 1885 • 1867  1887 

12.For social reforms, Sir Syed started magazine: 

 Tameer-e-Muslims • Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq  Taleem-o-Tarbiyat 

13.Who is famous as Bengal Tiger? 

 Allama Iqbal  Liaquat Ali • Fazal-ul-Haq

14.First president of Muslim League is: 

• Sir Agha Khan  Nazim uddin  Waqar ul Malik 

15.How many members were in Simla delegation? 

• 35  36  37 

16.Nehru Report was presented in: 

 1927 • 1928  1929 

17.The chairman of boundary line commission was: 

• Radcliff  Lord Wavell  Mount Batten

18.The Second World War broke out in: 

 1938 • 1939  1937 

19.The Lacknow pact was signed in: 

 1915  1917 • 1916

20.The Cripps Mission came to India in: 

 1940 • 1942  1944 

21.The Bengal partition was held in: 

 1911 • 1905 ✓ 1906 

22.The partition of Bengal was annulled in: 

• 1911  1905  1906 

23.Aligarh movement was started by: 

• Sir Syed Ahmed  Sir Agha Khan  Allama Iqbal 

24.Shah Waliullah translated the Holy Quran in: 

 Urdu  Hindi • Persian

25.The last Mughal emperor of India was: 

• Bahadur Shah Zafar  Akber  Babar 

26.Sindh was separated from Bombay in: 

• 1936  1934  1935 

27.Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar was buried in the Holy Mosque of: 

• Jerusalem  Iran  Madina 

28.Round Table conferences were held in: 

 Lahore  Delhi • London

29.It is known as gate way of Islam: 

• Sindh  Punjab  Baluchistan 

30.M.A.O. College was founded in the year: 

• 1875  1857  1975 

31.The Name of Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Sani was: 

 Sheikh Abdal  Sheikh Akber • Sheikh Ahmed

32.Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was died in: 

 1900  1880 • 1898

33.The Cripps Mission came to Pakistan in: 

 1940 • 1942  1944 

34.Aligarh movement was started by: 

 Quaid-e-Azam  Iskandar Mirza • Sir Syed Ahmed

35.Khilafat movement was started by: 

 Sir Syed Ahmed • Maulana M.Ali Johar  Nazim uddin 

36. Congress was established in: 

 1900  1880 • 1885

37.The government of Turkey announced an end of the Khilafat in: 

 1940 • 1924  1944 

38.Muslims ruled the sub-continent for more than: 

• 1000 years  500 years  1500 years


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